Thursday, November 11, 2010

Today, November 11, 2010

Life is starting to feel full and exciting again with a comfortable flair. Carl and I have been dating since September and we are at a very comfortable place. I love his daughter, Jamie and his dog Kacey. We enjoy getting out on the motorcycles and feeling the freedom of riding. We also like to go to saloons and listen to live blues, jazz, country or clasic rock music. Carl is so caring and kind but is all guy! That is what I like the most about him, he has his own garage where he hangs out and builds motorcycles or works on his vehicle. Jamie and I enjoy shopping, watching movies and laughing. I'm not sure where this is heading but I know for now that I am happy and feel content. Spunky is also new in my life. She is a puppy and keeps me on my feet:)..