Friday, February 11, 2011

Is my life about to change?

Well, it's been awhile since I've set down to blog and it feels like a good time to do that now. I have been dating and spending a lot of time with Carl and Jamie. Carl is my boyfriend and Jamie is his daughter. We both work and have been with our careers for many years. We've been talking about moving in together so we could have more money to enjoy life with. I am all for it, but I've spent the time in the past 2 years buying new and almost new furniture that I don't want to get rid of. I hate putting furniture in storage because of rodents and moisture. I won't let that stand in my way because I'm hoping we can have a fun and relaxing life together. It's on my mind a lot and I've thought about it over and over. I've worked hard to have a garage for my car and my own big closet. I am very picky about how my stuff is treated and how hard it makes life if I don't have room. It's something we've talked about and we can still discuss it. If I don't move in with him, I will be getting a smaller place to live. I don't need this much room. It was perfect for me when I was in the first stages of grieving and needed space and time to go through Ashley's things. I am almost done with that part of my life and ready to move on. I know that life is about to change and I welcome it. It is extremely boring and lonely right now.

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